Playing with Daddy!!!
Having a proper giggle as well!!
Having a great
time using the box as a hat, she got very upset when we eventually took it
off her head as well!!! Let's face it - who doesn't love a box hat?!
All ready for winter in her new hat.
Could not resist this cute little hat (with matching gloves!) and she really is just adorable in it! It may be a little big, and it may not quite be cold enough for it....but we are ready for the cold weather when it arrives!!
Christine (Isabella's childminder) gave me 'Isabella's book' to have a look at, so I took a picture of all the photos and craft she had in there!!! Here's all the exciting things Isabella gets up to when she goes there. (Some pictures look a little odd as I had to try and take a photo of a photo without getting a massive white bit from the flash!!) But as you can see she has a great time there with lots of things to entertain her with....home must seem very boring to her now!!!
My cheeky little munchkin.....
Trying to get Daddy's chair to spin round!
Cheeky, but still gorgeous!!
Somebody brought Mummy some presents home with her from the childminder!
We had a gorgeous picture of her in her bag from Christine (her childminder) which she got whilst Isabella was playing, proving that she is just as happy and photogenic elsewhere as she is at home for us!! And her first piece of craft! A proud moment even, though I have had to acknowledged that most (if not all) of this was not actually done by Isabella as let's face it, gluing on lolly-pop sticks at her age is a bit beyond even my little munchkin!! Despite that I still loved it!