Another great day at the park! This time, it was the little one just up the road from us, but we still managed to get it all to ourselves!!!!
Matteo managed to climb up the ladder to the big slide all by himself....
Someone loves the swing now!
Our absolute favourite - a smaller slide that has a long walk up to it that means he needs absolutely no help at all!! So I am just as happy!
Isabella was caught going up the slide...again!!!
Matteo trying to take a short cut!
Who knew that round-about's where for so much more than just going round.....
Wednesday, 24 June 2015
Isabella decided that getting to the top of the giant slide using the steps was for amateurs, and that she would get there going up the stones and claiming it was her 'mountain'!! Although you can't hear her due to the wind, she kept saying she was 'just like Anna (from Frozen!) climbing her mountain to get to her brother!!' She was very happy when she succeeded!
Monday, 22 June 2015
A very happy little boy is one armed with a ball and a sister suitably entertained elsewhere so not trying to kick it away from him! However, the wind proved a little much and he spent most of the time gently tapping the ball only for it to go for miles as he chased it down!!
Saturday, 20 June 2015
I am absolutely loving the fact that I no longer have to haul him to the top of the slide a million times in a row as he can now do the whole thing on his own with supervision....happy baby and very happy Mummy!!!!
Wednesday, 17 June 2015
An impromptu trip to the park!! We literally had the entire playground to ourselves which was amazing, although the children were clearly very helpful and stayed together the entire time as it was massive!!!!
A giant slide that Isabella found very difficult to walk away from!
Matteo was happy he could just kick his ball!
'Frozen' has a lot to answer for - Isabella insisted she was Anna climbing up the mountain!!!
When I prised the ball off him he discovered the slide, luckily he can now do the entire process alone!! So much easier!
They also had a little farm section and Matteo was fascinated with the chickens.