Thursday, 31 December 2015

And off to the beach we went!!! Possibly on the windiest, coldest and drizzliest day of the trip! When we arrived Fredi and Justin immediately announced "This is not a beach!" and Fergus exclaimed "This is sooo British!!!" Despite this, a good time was had by all! There was a little sand followed by a lot of stones, I chose not to go all the way down to the shore and stayed throwing stones into the stream leading to the sea with Matteo - until he fell in!!!!

Wednesday, 30 December 2015

The start of an amazing week away for Christmas. We had a great time and the children especially loved every minute of it. 

Who doesn't love a train track?!

The opening of the most fantastic hamper.

Having a bit of a dance.

Relaxing after such taxing energy spending!

Double trouble!