Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Painting Isabella's thank you cards! She loved doing this and the paint didn't travel as far as I thought it would have done - she is one tidy little painter.....not like me!!!!

The finished penguins. She was more than happy having her feet painted, but did not really enjoy the finger print snowflakes - weird!!!

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Isabella had a great birthday yesterday, I honestly think the best bit for her was returning to the childminders after 2 weeks away from there and seeing all her friends again!!! Excitement overdrive combined with a sugar high had her all set!!!

Her farm cake, a very dodgy looking barn with some chickens,

 cows, sheep and
pigs surrounding it.

Then we opened presents! As you can see huge amounts of concentration to unwrap everything and then great excitement and shouts of "ooooh, yay" at every one!!!!

Loving that her picture is in the book!!!

And then having a play with them all!

All in all a great day!!!

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Somebody took the weather forecast a little too literally I think!!! We were predicted very cold weather with extreme winds and potential flooding in other parts of the Isabella donned a woolly hat and her armbands - you can never be too prepared!!!