Sunday, 24 November 2013

Last weekend Isabella and I made some delicious chocolate Krispie cakes!

Choosing her cake case, scooping up a few krispies and....

missing the case!!!

So Mummy stepped in to help by holding the case and moving it to wherever was necessary in order to catch them!

We then had a change of spoon, loaded it up and it went straight into the mouth!


Pudding!!! Unwrap it, dispose of the rubbish on the side, taste a little nibble just to make sure and then....

 try and stuff it all in at once! Then screw up the rubbish and...

Shout "more" hoping it gets results.

Monday, 18 November 2013

I thought I had already put these up here!! So Sorry! 
Anywa, here is Isabella trying out her brand new potty, she insisted on wearing her rain coat for it so not entirely sure what she thought was going to happen!!! We are still yet to actually do anything on it, but we have progressed to being half naked to sit on it now! It'll come....