Sunday, 14 July 2013

The paddling pool was put to good use on Saturday, just iin tim for a scorching hot day.

She loved filling and emptying the watering can. Mummy was a bit mean and kept pouring it over her shoulders!!!!

Although you can't really tell, she's kicking away like mad on the right!

Being cheeky and removing her hat - put straight back on and left alone!!

She tried to stand up using the side in this picture, and obviously the side wasn't quite up to it and she got a bit of a fright!

Chomping on her apple after her swim!

Thursday, 11 July 2013

Due to the gorgeous weather we've been having we set off to Sainsbury's to buy a swimming costume and a paddling pool! Unfortunately they had sold out of the pools, but we got the swimming costume and made do with a bucket of water - I think she was just happy to be wearing something so cool and she was not happy when we took it off!

Checking out the bucket of water.

As you can see, very proud of her new costume.

Watering the weeds on the other side of the gate, until...bump!

 "oooooh, ouch!"

Always with her pot of chalks.

Trying to get in the house with both hands full so she can't hold onto the doorframe....she worked it out pretty quickly and didn't need any help, break it up into stages always works!!!

And we're in safe and sound!!!

Monday, 8 July 2013

Some recent photos!

Crazy curls!!! Really don't know what to do with it as the curls just seem to get tighter every day!!!

This is the new weird face she constantly pulls - usually with a very arched back as well - not entirely certain who she's copying!

Give me the watermelon!! And she loves it!

Yesterday having some watermelon after eating LOADS at the bbq - she wasn't too sure at first but soon got the hang of it!